Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Tag I'm IT!!

7 Things I Can Do....
1-Shoot a Deer.
2-Bake yummy treats!
3-Clean a house fast & good at the same time.
4-Ignore my kids completely when my favorite show is on. (Go Gossip Girl!)
5-Be incredibly ornery! (Sorry to all who know this is true!)
6-Run 3.1 miles with out walking.
7-Play any sport.

7 Things I Cannot Do....
1-Sew a straight line, but I will try soon, making kids P.J's for christmas!
2-Read an entire book, I loose interest.
3-SWIM, and I never will.
4-Fly, it makes me sick every time.
5-Have a baby with out an epidural! Call me a wimp, but ouch!
6-Bake Lasagna like Josh's mom. I tried one time, and he totally complained the whole time he was eating it, so I've never tried again.
7-Stay up past mid-night, it's a guarantee that if I do, I will have the biggest Migrane the whole next day.

7 Things that ATTRACTED me to Josh....
3-Beautiful Baby Blues
4-Liked me Back
5-Loves to Hunt
6-Loves to Hold my Hand
I really could go on, and on, and on about my Babe, but who wants to be bored?
7 Things I say MOST Often.....
1-Leave your brother alone!
3-Go to your room!
4-Turn that off!
5-What now?!?
6-1...2.....3.......4.....you better hurry..........5
7 Celebrity Admirations....(I hope those who have past on count!)
1-Gordon B. Hinckley
2-Joseph Smith
3-Sarah Palin-YOU GO GIRL!
4-Sara Evans, went through a divorce and still has it together.
5-Carrie Underwood, small town girl that chased & caught her dream.
6-Oprah-I know she's a democrat, but she does a lot of good things for people in the world.
7-Our Savior
7 Favorite Foods....
1-Pumpkins Cookies/ Pumpkin Pie
3-Mountain Dew
4-Navajo Tacos
6-Hot Chocolate
7-Anything with CHEESE.
7 People to Tag....
1-Ali Anderson
2-Aubrie Jenkins
3-Brittney Shepherd
4-Roby Bates
5-Danielle Jensen
6-Natalie Reymond
7-Mandy Morrill


McKell said...

Thanks for playing. Kind of fun right?

Brianne Jensen said...

SEENY!! I'm so glad to find your blog! Your kiddos are so flippin dang cute. Only one thing is missing, a picture of you. I haven't seen you in way too long. Post one of yourself!! Love you kid!

Cassidy said...

so glad you told me you had a blog. SO fun. Remember send Jace over any time.

bhblood said...

Hey guys! Thanks for telling us you have a blog. It is a fun way to keep up with people! Brett said to make sure to let you know I am the reason the boys are wearing UTES clothes. He actually has season tickets to the BYU games but he doesn't take the boys to the games or take pictures or blog for that matter- so I get to decide. Therefore- GO UTES! :)
Your kids are getting so big and they are SO cute. We didn't know you got a little GIRL!! I am jealous! I am just not sure I am willing to have #3 or #4 to try for one! Its good to hear from you!

Anonymous said...

Hey Ali... your kiddo's are adorable and getting so big!! i have yet to see your daughter in person... but man she's a cutie!!

Zach, Roby, and Carson said...

HEY HOTT MAMA!!! Seriously ALY YOU ARE STINKIN SUCH A HOTT LITTLE MOMMY IM SO PROUD TO SAY IM RELATED TO YOU....NOW IF I COULD GET MYSELF OFF MY BUTT TO LOOK JUST AS GOOD!!! Anyway I miss you woman. Talking on the phone sucks we live way to close to eachother to NEVER see eachother. Come down sometime without the kiddos and we can go browse stores not necessarily shop just look???? LOVE YA

Ashlee said...

Hey I am so glad that you are a blogger. It is so funny because I was thinking about you yesterday wondering if you had a blog. Yeah You do. Sorry I didn't get your call today, I was gone most of the day. Your family is so darling. Hadlee definately fits in to your little clan. She is so cute. This will be a great way to keep in touch but we really do need to get together! Why don't you invite us over sometime! I mean we are only 40 min away. Call me!:)