This morning I woke up to Miss Hadi's smile right next to my face. (bad breath, but worth it!)
The boys heard us giggling and Jace was the 1st boy to come running in, then cole and trevor slowly followed. They asked what we were doing after church, and I said, we're going to Kingston, not church. Then Trevor remembered it was Mothers Day and ran to get the present he made for me. Cole told ME to go get his out of his backpack! I told HIM to go get IT! (terd!)
Anywho, I opened two very special gifts and I love how proud they both were and are of their creations. It is fun to see their reaction more than my own.
I think I am a little TOO hard on these little people and I need to lighten up some. Some of my expectaitons are too much for little kids, heck they're too much for me sometimes.
I've been a little emotional for the past two weeks, and I'm truely grateful for my kids giving me patience. They love me unconditionally, and they are always so fast to forgive~
I am truely grateful to my Heavenly Father for the lives He has entrusted to me, and I only hope that I don't let Him down. I truely LOVE each one of these little spirits!
And I'm really grateful to my mom and my sisters, for showing me love, even though I can get a little moody! They are all great women and mothers! LOVE THEM TOO!
Thanks McKell as well! Thanks for getting me OUT of the house this past week. I really have enjoyed hanging out with you and having some fun time. You are a great mom
and awesome friend! LUV YA!